What is Joomla? How to install Joomla

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All You Need To Know Joomla? Installing Guides Steps By Steps



Joomla is a Content Management System, which offers your business the capacity to fabricate sites and ground-breaking web applications. As your CMS, Joomla furnishes you and your group with joint site effort, writing, multi-client authorization levels, and managerial apparatuses. It is easy to understand and doesn’t expect you to have specialized or coding abilities. Website admins can productively oversee different substance types, various assets, and information, essential to have a site. This Customer Management System is one of the most well-known, open-source, and free site programming. Your site profits by utilizing Joomla, as it makes your site, versatile cordial, completely extensible, multilingual, adaptable, available, responsive, web index advanced, and considerably more. Throughout the long term, Joomla has won a few honours, including their latest one out of 2020, for ‘The Best Free CMS.’ If your’s organization will likely make vital online client encounters and develop your online presence with the endeavors of landing more deals, at that point, you should figure out how to assemble your business site utilizing Joomla. Anyway, what is Joomla? It is your site’s prospective closest companion. In any case, before you can become familiar with the “How,” of Joomla, you should initially comprehend the “Why.”


Why Use Joomla As your CMS?


Today, there are more than 1,756,660,327 online Joomla powered sites, and this number keeps on developing quickly consistently, yet that doesn’t make them equivalent, for not all sites play out the equivalent. Some are as yet slow when stacking, not easy to use, or streamlined for web crawlers. The average versatile presentation page can take somewhere in the range of 15 to 22 seconds to stack, and when a page load time goes from one second to ten seconds, the likelihood of a bob increases,123%. Yowser! Whether you have an enormous or little organization or need to construct a corporate or E-Commerce site, the CMS you use impacts its general presentation. Here are some alarming site realities each entrepreneur has to know.

•39% of site guests will quit connecting with a website if pictures don’t stack. 

•38% of clients will quit cooperating with a site if the format is ugly. 

•39% of site guests will quit drawing in if a site takes too long to load.

These rates are comprised of the potential purchasers your organization can’t stand to lose. If you are uncertain of how quick or moderate your webpage loads, Google offers a page speed checker for you to discover. Since Google inclines toward quicker stacking destinations, you should figure out how well your site is performing.

With a typical 63,000 pursuits on Google happening all day long, you need to attempt to situate your organization’s site to be upfront, and execution challenges won’t get you there. Indeed, your destination’s speed is a positioning variable that impacts your Search Engine Optimization (SEO) results. With just 7% of searchers go to the third page on web crawlers, this isn’t the place where you need your business’ site to be. Along these lines, with regards to your webpage, “everything begins with speed,” and with Joomla’s sites being SEO-accommodating, you are, as of now, on the ball. It is clear, just having a site isn’t sufficient. You should have a well-performing site to be a genuine part of the online website world.

Steer your organization the correct way by having a site that meets your business and customer needs, and everything focuses on utilizing Joomla as your Content Management System. Put forth Your Website Attempts and Marketing Dollars Count As an entrepreneur, you need to make a quick move and utilize the correct CMS for your organization to acquire the best outcomes for your webpage. Joomla can help you spare time and promoting dollars, as it is free, offers numerous highlights, and is SEO-accommodating. If you have an online webpage you are not utilizing or seeing a rate of profitability (ROI), at that point, let’s be honest, you should not have a site by any means. However, this isn’t a choice. In the past you could pick whether to have a site or blog.

Today, you need both. Exploration shows, 70% of buyers find out about an organization through their blog instead of advertisements, which reveals some insight into how to arrive at your client’s best and where to spend your promoting dollars. It is likely that you most prpbably are one of the 61% of advertisers who rundown improving SEO and web index rankings as a top objective, at that point, you know the amount of a job your site plays in making this objective a reality. Regardless of whether you are an accomplished entrepreneur or are just beginning, you perceive how every choice you cause the will to one or the other hurt or help your organization’s primary concern. You should turn into a supporter for your site and construct it the correct way, the first time.

If you would like to install Joomla on your VPSie (VPS Server) follow these steps:


Operating system: Ubuntu 18.04 (64Bit)


1: Install Apache Web Server


First, update Ubuntu repository:

$ sudo apt-get update

Then, install Apache Web Server using the command below,

$ sudo apt-get install apache2


2: Install MySQL

Joomla stores data using a MySQL database. So you must install MySQL server:

$ sudo apt-get install mysql-server

You should enter a very strong password for the root user(aka: su) when asked.

The default MySQL installation is not secure as standard, you will need to run the command below and it will remove anonymous users and test the database or databases:

$ sudo mysql_secure_installation

Press Y or N and press Enter as shown in an example below when you are asked to answer the questions use these answers:


· Change root password? N

· Remove anonymous users? Y

· Disallow root login remotely? Y

· Remove test database and access to it? Y

· Reload privilege tables now? Y

Now we need to create a database so Joomla can store database data for your website users and configurations storage:

Login to the MySQL Command Line Interface(CLI) using the commands below:

$ sudo mysql -u root -p

Enter your root password and press Enter.

Next create a database, user and assign the right privileges using the commands:

mysql>CREATE DATABASE joomla;

mysql>GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES on joomla.* to 'joomla_user'@'localhost' identified by 'PASSWORD';



Replace ‘joomla_user‘ with your own username. And of course you must set a strong password for the user.

3: Install PHP

Joomla is written in PHP which is a server side general purpose scripting language. You need to install PHP together with associated modules designed for Apache web server using the commands:

$ sudo apt-get install php libapache2-mod-php

$ sudo apt-get install php-cli php-common php-mbstring php-gd php-intl php-xml php-mysql php-zip php-curl php-xmlrpc

Press Y then press Enter when asked to confirm the installation.

4: Install Joomla

The download will be a zip file, you should begin by installing the unzip tool using command line ssh:

$ sudo apt-get install unzip

Next, cd to the ‘/tmp‘ directory then download the latest version of Joomla from the official site.

$ cd /tmp

$ wget https://downloads.joomla.org/cms/joomla3/3-8-10/Joomla_3-8-10-Stable-Full_Package.zip

Joomla will download and will be stored under the archive file ‘Joomla_3-8-10-Stable-Full_Package.zip

Now you would unzip this file and copy it to the root of your website, which should be under a directory name such as ‘joomla’. You can use any name for your directory though i would recommend ‘joomla’

Now we make the directory for Joomla using commands:

    $ sudo mkdir /var/www/html/joomla

Unzip the Joomla package file:

$ sudo unzip Joomla_3-8-10-Stable-Full_Package.zip -d /var/www/html/joomla

5: Configure Joomla and Assign the Right File Permissions

The default Joomla installation has a ‘htaccess.txt’ file which we should copy to create a ‘.htaccess’ file. Use the commands below:

$ sudo cp /var/www/html/joomla/htaccess.txt /var/www/html/joomla/.htaccess

For Apache to access Joomla files, we must set the correct file permissions using the commands:

$ sudo chown -R www-data.www-data /var/www/html/joomla
$ sudo chmod -R 755 /var/www/html/joomla

Restart Apache for configured PHP settings and changes to be implemented.

$ sudo systemctl restart apache2


6: Finalize Joomla Installation via a web browser


Next, go to the URL ‘http://yourdomain.com/joomla‘ in your web browser. Make sure you replace ‘example.com’ with your domain name or use the VPSie IP address of your server.


Now you would enter your website name and add a description then add your email address, and finally for this step add the password that you would like to create for the administrator login.

Now you must, click ‘Next on the bottom right to proceed.

On the next page, enter the database username and password and host if needed, using the details that you created above, now click Next

Then click Install on the next page or screen.

The setup wizard will finish the installation, and you will get a congratulations output message.

Click the Remove Installation Folder‘.


7: Test the Joomla Installation


Go to the URL ‘http://yourdomain.com/joomla’ and remember to replace ‘example.com’ with your domain name or public IP address. If the installation has completed successfully, you should see the home page.

You have now accomplished installing Joomla on an Ubuntu 18.04 VPSie VPS Server. You can now start posting content, install new themes, and customize everything to make your website look more professional. Joomla is a great content management application (CMS) that you can use to create advanced and impressive websites.

Hopefully after following this tutorial then you have most likely successfully completed our guide from step 1 to step 7 then your new Joomla website and server (VPSie) should be up and running and ready to go!



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