How to Enable GUI Root Login in Debian

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How to Enable GUI Root Login in Debian



The purpose of this article is to solve the problem that occurs when logging into Debian desktop. There is a simple task we need to do in the terminal to fix this. In this post, I’ll show you how to enable root access through the GUI on Debian 10. Just follow these instructions carefully to gain root access. OK, let’s begin.




First, Open a terminal and edit the daemon.conf file in the /etc/gdm3/ directory. You can edit the file by running the following command:


# sudo vim /etc/gdm3/daemon.conf



Then edit the file: Go to Security and enter “AllowRoot=true”. You should have a security section in the file that looks like this:





Save the file once this is the appearance, then exit the window. 



The next step involves editing the file ‘gdm-password‘ in the ‘/etc/pam.d/‘ directory. Run the following command to edit the file.


# sudo vim /etc/pam.d/gdm-password


There is a line in this file, which you have commented out.



Here’s how the line will look now.



auth required user != root quiet_success


Comment out this line by adding a # symbol. The format should look like this.




We have completed the process. Your GUI Debian should now allow you to log in as root. Thanks for reading! I hope it was informative for you! 





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