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Control Panel – Firewall

Here, you have the option to include and set up a firewall that manages network-level access to your VPSie. This involves configuring the firewall to define policies for both inbound and outbound traffic.


Note : There is no charge for this service!.


Attach Firewall: Click on the + icon to initiate the creation of a new firewall or choose an existing firewall for the current VPSie. In the ensuing window, opt for an existing firewall from the drop-down menu labeled Select from your Firewalls and click on Apply.

If you haven’t set up a firewall yet, locate the option to create one and click on it. This action will redirect you to the firewall generation page, where you can establish rules for both incoming and outgoing traffic to your server.

Remove Firewall: Press the red trash bin icon under the Actions column in the line of your VPSie in the Firewalls section to completely delete the firewall with all its policies.

Modify Firewall: Click on the link corresponding to the firewall name within your VPSie server in the Firewalls section to access the firewall policy configuration page. 


Here, you will encounter two categories of firewall policy rules, inbound and outbound traffic rules. 


Feel free to customize rules by adding, removing, or editing them in either of the two sections based on your preferences. Once you’ve made the necessary adjustments, simply click the Back to all Firewalls link at the top of the page.


Additionally, you can create and manage your firewall for multiple VPSie’s by going to the Firewall section, And you can create a new firewall and manage it there as well. 


Create a new Firewall:


Step 1 : Choose a fresh name for your firewall, or retain the automatically updated one. Additionally, you have the option to attach tags to your firewall for convenient tracking.

Step 2:  Please adjust your firewall rules according to your requirements and preferences and click Create Firewall.

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