How is VPSie offering unique? Why our VPS offering is different?
Business Critical
Cloud Security
Instant activation.
30 seconds VPSie creation for Linux OS
Powerful Networking options
Unmetered private network.
On-demand Backups.
Daily automatic backups.
Dedicated port forward.
Selective internet access.
Powerful Management
Direct console access.
Full screen console access.
Power status (soft/hard) on/off/reboot
Rename on APP and hostname within OS
Reference notes extended
Automated Root Password changes (Windows, Linux, APPs)
rDNS management.
Multiple nameservers (NS)
Reverse DNS IPv4, IPv6
Hourly billing.
Live chat support
20 minutes ticket response
Custom ISO upload.
Windows server 2008 R2
Windows Server 2012 R2
Best prices available
One month free
Scaling only resources you need
when you need it.
Flexible hourly billing.
Prepaid model (no surprises)
Low rate managed services
PayPal + Major credit cards accepted.
Pre-made applications.
One click cPanel, WordPress, Zabbix , ClearOS,
LEMP, PrestaShop, SugarCRM and many more.
Alerts and account audits.
Powerful API