How to install LAMP stack on VPS ie CentOS 6.x (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP)

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How to install LAMP stack on VPSie

This tutorial is a step by step on how to How to install LAMP stack on VPS ie CentOS 6.0 (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP)

We are using a CentOS 6.5 x64  a Jerry package ($4/month)  for the purpose of this tutorial

yum install httpd

Result should be something like the screenshot below

Install httpd webserver

service httpd start
yum install mysql-server
service mysqld start

To set MySQL password


Install PHP and php-mysql
yum install php php-mysql

If you have a requirement to install some php modules you can use this command to search then use yum in install the module
yum search php-


yum install modulename

install php module centos
To make sure those services start at boot time run

chkconfig httpd on
chkconfig mysqld on

Thats all:)

You may also take advantage of the one click VPSie LAMP available at the applications menu.

You can actually create this setup on our platform in few minutes utilizing our PCS (Private Cloud Solution) which allows you to have VPSie(s) on a private network – NAT – Port forward – traffic control for inbound and outbound – multiple gateway IPs which you could use for the load-balancing and failover.

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