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Why you should Remove www from your site?

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Why you should remove www. from your site?




World Wide Web, or WWW for short. An Internet-based network of publicly accessible web pages. The Internet itself is not the same as the Web. It is an application built on top of it. The WWW suffix does not have to be in URLs. As such, it indicates a particular address of a website. Without World Wide Web, your website wouldn’t be very different. In the following article, we’ll explain why you should remove a www from your website. 




Reason 1: The www. is hard to pronounce and no longer necessary.



A domain name with ‘www.‘ will add ten additional syllables. Moreover, the ‘w‘ letter has three syllables and is less likely to pronounce if we combine it with your URL. Keep in mind that you do not need to include a www in the address of your website. It was accidentally added to URLs during the early days and became widely used.



History: Tim Berners-Lee (An Oxford professor known as  the inventor of world wide web) used “www” for the first web pages at CERN (prior to public Internet) . There is nothing special about the “www” subdomain other than tradition. 




Reason 2: The address bar takes up more space and makes typing take longer.



Particularly on mobile devices, “www.” takes up valuable screen space in the address bar. Many browsers tend to automatically remove the “www” from URLs, causing the URLs to take up less screen space. In addition to ease of use and fewer lengths of URLs, it will also make it easier for users to type.




Reason 3: Obtaining a certificate is much easier with non-www.



When using a wildcard SSL certificate, remove the www from the URL. In the case of a naked domain (non-www), it is possible to use a wildcard certificate to secure all the subdomains. If you use URLs with www, for example, and, you must obtain multiple certificates or a UCC/SAN certificate due to the lack of coverage by wildcard certificates.



Reason 4: Non-www is better for SEO!.



If you prefer your site’s non-www version (naked domain), the www domain should not be indexed. For instance, taking VPSie as an example:



You can access the domain at By typing, It will be a 301 redirect to the preferred site ( Having both versions indexed would lead to a duplicate content issue, resulting in different link equity. The web server redirects to the correct URL, but this doesn’t always happen. By removing www you can avoid confusion.



Reason 5: WWW uses extra data.



When compared to non-www domains, www prefixes use data. Adding “www.” to a URL takes 32 additional bits. Since each character takes one-byte data, the non-www is a wise choice moving forward.




Reason 6: WWW has a bleak future.



Companies have been dropping www from their websites’s URLs and creating naked domains because of those reasons. 


Many large, popular websites no longer include the “www” in their URLs. It’s expected that more prominent websites will remove the www from their URLs in the future, take advantage of this happening now and simplify your domain.



Hope our article made sense and contributes to improving the Internet.


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